
Shooting the Moon

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Shooting the Moon

Shooting the Moon provides a very stimulating and compelling story about how the Lunar Crater Observation Satellite System (LCROSS) mission was designed, built and operated from the Project Manager's perspective. Shooting the Moon is a technical page turner! Available as Inkling ebook.

This is an unusual book about an unusual mission to find water on the moon.

The LCROSS mission had a noble purpose, but with little time and money, we had to do things differently.

My goal with this book is to let you inside the project to see the world through the eyes of the project manager. How we did what we did. Why we did what we did. I suspect you will find lessons that apply to project work anywhere.

The stories within come from the many notes I took over the course of the mission. They include my personal reflections, observations, assessments, learning, techniques, and recommendations. The chapters are sometimes analytical and procedural, and at other times observational, reflective, amusing, and absurd.

It was a great honor to lead the LCROSS team, we all learned and played harder than we probably thought we could. We became a force and a pathfinder, all while forging friendships that will last a lifetime. On behalf of the LCROSS team, I hope the stories and learning captured within this book are valuable and amusing to others.


  • Experienced systems engineers
  • Graduate-level systems engineering students
  • Aspiring or young systems engineers

This is an ebook available from Inkling/ Accessible on your Mac or PC; Downloadable on iPad, iPhone or Android.

This book is not downloadable as a PDF.

Also available

LCROSS Mission Case Study -- Space Mission Analysis and Design

This case study provides the space systems engineering information that ties very nicely with this book on LCROSS project management, Shooting the Moon. This case study provides a very complete story of what it takes to design and implement a successful space project!

Contact us if you are interested in Education or Training opportunities associated with our books.

Item #: LCROSS-E01

Price: $37.49
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